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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 8, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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seats were in different locations. >> eric tweets mix in poor parenting and you have a recipe for a long, agonizing flight. it seems to happen each time i flight. >> that will do it for "fox & friends" starts now. >> good morning everybody. hope you had a great weekend. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. the timetable for north korea's next move just moved up. 72 hours before they test another nuke, and this morning the u.s. designing a response. >>steve: great. meanwhile they are america's toughest and bravest, the special ops. but this morning 700 of them say the country no longer leaves no man behind, and they want to know why. demanding the white house end the coverup on benghazi. >>brian: and it was on a -- it was a big night for big country las vegas.
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♪ >>brian: she drove on the stage like gretchen carlson drives right to our stage. the winners, losers and performances from the academy of country music awards because "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ raindrops keep falling on my head ♪ ♪ just like the guy whose feet ♪ ♪ are too big ♪ for his bed >> we have to get through some awful april showers to have our magnificent may flowers. that is why it is important to have an unflippable, unflappable, unleakable
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umbrella. that is what these claim to be, the best umbrellas in the world. i'll be stepping into a wind tunnel and putting them to the test at 60 miles an hour. if i look wind-blown it is because i tried it once. >>brian: if you were in the area on saturday, you needed it. it was windy. >> hard to believe it is going to be 70 degrees today. >>brian: it has revolutionized golf. >>steve: they have got a crazy way to make an umbrella that won't break. >>gretchen: headlines, he spent two years behind bars for taking people hostages at one of hillary clinton's campaign offices. this morning he's on the run again after escaping a halfway house in new hampshire. in 2010 he allegedly cut off his ankle monitoring device and alluded police for nearly 24 hours. the body of a diplomat
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killed in afghanistan returning to the u.s. today arriving at dover air force. 25-year-old ann smedinghoff was a press officer in kabul. she was on her way to donate books to her school when her convoy was attacked with a car bomb. four other americans also killed. >> it was her passion and she made a difference doing it. you can't regret that at all. she really, really did a great job. >> she's one of the many people who answer the call to serve our country in a myriad of ways. for that, we are forever grateful. >>gretchen: two weeks ago smedinghoff served as a personal guide for secretary of state john kerry when he visited had a region. >> the mouthpiece of al qaeda is back in new york today, he pleaded not guilty to conspiring to
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kill americans. his case is significant because the obama administration decided to try him in a federal court instead of a military commission at gitmo. prosecutors say he appeared alongside bin laden the day after september 11 warning against additional terror attacks in the united states. >> country academy awards, the show's cohost pulling off an amazing upset. >> the country music entertainer of the year is luke bryan. >> an emotional bray broke down in tears, the first male winner since 2007. >> i don't know what to say, guys. this is the defining moment of my life, and it means the world to me. >> lady antebellum debuted their new single "downtown."
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♪ i don't know you don't ♪ take me downtown >>gretchen: they finished the song rubbing hillary scott's belly because she is seven months pregnant. isn't she married to somebody in the band? >>brian: i don't know. that is one of the most natural, unscripted award shows you'll see. >>steve: it's great. >>brian: the people on the stage know everyone in the audience. duck dynasty was in the middle and they know us. >>steve: another reason to watch our summer concert series because i think every one of those acts performed here on "fox & friends" either right here in that corner or on our plaza. >>gretchen: north korea is ready for a nuke test possibly again on wednesday. this could be the real thing or not. south korea, the prime minister now says that there was some misspeaking going on in the last 24 hours when you were sleeping, even the last 12 hours the story changed significantly. originally they thought north korea said they were going to do this test which
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would change the whole scope of international relations. now they're backing off that statement. so what's really going to happen and who is provoking whom? >>brian: south korean officials said i might have misspoke but did he really? does he think they are going to use that second tunnel that was available as early as february 12 to set off another nuclear test? this would be their fourth nuclear test? south korea, i get the sense, has a brand-new stance and position when it comes to the north. they are tired of being knocked around and intimidated as they have been for the past years. >>steve: here's something bad for north korea, and that is the fact that public opinion in the country of china is turning on north korea. they're getting sick of it. also the president of china made a speech at a three-day forum for asia. >>brian: we tried to get the pronunciation this morning. >>steve: we did.
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here's what xiang pinning said. no one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos. notice that first part "no one should be allowed." it is a little ambiguous, didn't name north korea per se. some read into it that it could have been japan, could have been the united states. it actually could have been the philippines because china has got a beef with the philippines as well. nonetheless, strong words from the president of china. >>brian: this isn't exactly a condemnation but the foreign minister said we're concerned about the continually escalating tension. they may not think that's a big deal but when china always sided with north korea and they basically feed the entire country, this could show impatience or it could be a big game because they might love the fact we're spending all this money on these tests and this attention and rhetoric gets our eyes on everything else going on in the pacific from trade on
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down. >>gretchen: it shows how important china is as a piece of the puzzle not only to our economy but to our world foreign relations. here are two senators: schumer and mccain, from the sunday talk shows. >> china does hold the key to this problem. china can cut off their economy if they want to. china's behavior has been very disappointing, whether it be cyber security, whether it be on confrontation in the south china sea or whether their failure to rein in what could be a catastrophic situation which more than once wars have started by accident. and this is very serious situation. >> the chinese hold a lot of the cards here. they are by nature cautious but they are carrying it to a extreme. it is about time they put a little pressure on this north korean regime. >> if they set off a missile there are plans in place. south korea and the u.s. said they will look at the
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trajectory in a matter of seconds and try to shoot it down if it appears to impact south korea, japan or guam or any american territory. if it is going to open water they will allow it to land. >>steve: if the north koreans do what they have done in the past -- remember when they shelved that supposedly vacant south korean island and killed some people? if they do that again, now, according to this front-page story in "the new york times," apparently the south koreans themselves will go ahead and shell another island. however, if it does look as if it is a missile test where the missile is headed towards open water, can't hurt anything, they will not respond. >>brian: due diplomacy. let's go back into talks, fine. go back into talks. but in five years if we continue the same pattern, more missiles, more weapons, export more of the nuclear technology. something's got to be solved here. >>gretchen: it is a lot easier to take out these
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missiles before they're launched. that is a huge part of the strategy of the united states right now because obviously they can't just take them out unless they're provoked to a certain level that they would actually take that kind of action other than letting them shoot them first. in the meantime, let's tell but this other story because this is important. a lot of people feel like the benghazi, libya, story has been forgotten and there wasn't any resolution to what exactly happened that night more than six months ago when four americans died including our u.s. ambassador. now 700 special ops veterans, they have sent a letter to the house of representatives, and they want to support a select committee once again for benghazi. they sent this letter with, i think there's at least 20 questions on it. 16 questions, very pointed questions that have not been answered in their minds as to what happened that night. they feel americans deserve an answer. >>steve: absolutely. the guy who organized the letter and is going to deliver it by hand today on capitol hill, retired air force colonel dick rower, he is going to be joining
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us live here on "fox & friends" at 7:30 to talk about why he's doing it and why he is not letting go. there are many questions we need answers to, and he wants to see them answered. >>brian: those 700 names will do more to get answers than anything because the administration wants to run when they are questioned by senator lindsay graham, they want to ignore senator john mccain, they want to ignore investigations by bret baier and everybody here at fox news. they want to put it past them. they call it politics. when you have 700 special ops say publicly what they say to us all the time behind the scenes, this is a travesty, our guys were killed, they were sacrificed, they were left there to die, if they come forward, politics is removed, you answer directly to them. >>steve: you look at the way we have fought wars in the last couple of years. it's all the special ops guys. you don't need the big tanks and everything else. you need the special ops guys. if the special ops guys are
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signing on the line, i got a feeling something is going to happen. >>gretchen: there is a feeling there was a lot of covert action in libya and the four people who died didn't have to and were involved in highly classified information. the mom of one of the guys who died is going to be joining us. she had no idea in libya because she thought he was on a highly classified mission. could that be part of why we haven't heard the answers? >>brian: i think we know about john mccain. he would making a ruckus if there was a top secret mission that has been exposed. >>steve: we've got the north korea perilous to say the least, a diplomat killed over the weekend, a sequester keeping people from doing all sorts of stuff, and 500,000 people stopped looking for jobs the other day, according to the number we got on friday. and where was the president
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of the united states? well, for the second weekend in a row -- that's right -- he was at a joint base andrews. the week before he did golfing there. the week before he went to the verizon center to take in a basketball game. the weight of the world right there. >>gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," a new warning about those popular energy drinks. it has to do with the ingredients found in a juicy steak. >>brian: the number of americans on disability skyrocketing. stuart varney says disability is the new name for medicare. >>steve: here's carey underwood.
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>>steve: the number of americans on disability hitting new record highs. more than 8.85 million, as you can see right now, on disability as opposed to 4 million in 1995, doubled over the last two decades. >>gretchen: what does this mean for the economy? could disability now become the new welfare? why have the claims skyrocketed? let's ask stuart varney. why? >> it is the new welfare, and the system we've got in place -- not just disability -- is not disability. the big picture is this. you've got a static to declining number of people working full time. they are supporting an ever
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larger group of people who are disabled, retired, dropped out of the workforce, or they're just not working. 90 million americans. i can't have that. that is not sustainable. in the case of disability, as you said, gretchen, you've got over eight million total on disability. there are now 13 full-time workers for every one on disability. >>steve: that's all? >> that's all. that's all you've got. >>gretchen: what's happened? is it that many more people who have become disabled? a lot of experts say nothing has really changed in the workplace for safety. if anything, it's gotten better for people. >> it is a question of how you define disabled. i think it was in the mid-1980's we allowed muscular skeletal disorders. back pain. you cannot prove or disprove you've got back pain. 29% of current claimers, 29% are for muscular skeletal disorders. 15% are for mood disorders. you can't prove it or
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disprove it. >>brian: you told us in the break the british had the same problem and they hired a french company to come in and evaluate the legitimacy of these claims. did it work? >> it worked in the sense that it exposed a giant scam. in britain, it was a computer test. they didn't say go get checked by a doctor. they ran the records through a computer. this is what the french company did. they found that half the people getting these benefits were in fact capable of working. and one-third of the recipients, they were scamming basically. they walked away. they would walk away if they were subjected to any kind of test. the british system -- they call it incapacity benefit -- not disability, it's a giant scam. >>gretchen: we hear all the time of people who claim they have back pain and then they're out -- last week there was a guy playing in a band. >> if you make this kind of criticism of the disability system, you are said to be harsh. you are blaming the victim. you're a bad guy for saying that. but the pure fact is this system is not sustainable.
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social security disability runs out of money in 2016. 81,000 people got disability benefits last month alone. that's almost the same number of people who got a job last month. you can't keep on doing this. >>brian: stuart varney on varney and company 9:20 eastern time on the fox business network. >> thank you. the dow will be up this morning when we get going, disability or no. >>gretchen: it was a major selling points of obamacare, providing affordable health insurance. turns out the president can't deliver on that promise. now his biggest supporters are wavering. details next. >>steve: oh baby, plucking a fast-moving be baseball out of the sky hard enough for the pros, but this guy did it with his left hand while holding his baby. we'll hear from him next. it doesn't matter where a good idea comes from,
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>>steve: quick headlines for you. pastor rick warren thanking his followers for their support in the wake of his son's suicide. sunday the pastor said he and his wife are overwhelmedly love and kind words as well. matthew warren struggled for years with mental illness. an autopsy scheduled for tomorrow. >> the rutgers university president will hold a town hall meeting today over the basketball scandal. he wants to address criticism that he only suspended former coach mike rice last fall when the tapes first came to his attention. rice was fired last week when the tapes became public. gretchen over to you.
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>>gretchen: thank you very much. more broken promises? here's president obama back in 2009. >> if you strike out on your own and start a small business, you'll be able to get coverage. we'll do this by creating a new insurance exchange, a marketplace where individuals and small businesses will be able to shop for health insurance at competitive prices. >>gretchen: it turns out that the president cannot deliver on that promise, at least not right now. so what does it mean for small businesses as well as the hispanic community, a voting bloc that supported president obama and his health care law? the u.s. small business administrator and the chairman of the latino coalition is here. it's interesting. we have not had this discussion. we know the majority of the latino vote went to president obama in the last election, but i don't know if we really parsed it down to health care being such an important reason why. why was it so important? >> it's critically important.
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latinos are one of the most uninsured or underinsured communities in the united states. about 31% have no health coverage at all. health care is one of the top issues that latinos deal with when they're trying to select who they want to vote for or who should be the president of the united states. >>gretchen: we heard from the president in 2009 you would be able to have these exchanges, so to speak, if you work for a small business. and fast forward now to 2013 -- >> not going to happen. they say operational challenges. that's a big blow to small business. they're getting double-digit increases every year on their insurance premiums. a lot of them were looking forward to these exchanges to have more choice and hopefully lower their cost. now they won't have those next year. it's going to be very challenging for a lot of small businesses next year. >>gretchen: how does that factor in if you fast forward to any future elections? would that be a big enough impact? would hispanics be that upset about something that was so important to them in the last election that it would change the way in
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which they vote now? >> health care is one of the top issues. the economy is the number-one issue. education is important. look, latinos tend to be more independent than both parties acknowledge. they vote for the candidate, they vote for the person they think can solve those problems. they vote depending on what's happening in that election. i think that vote is still up for grabs, and we're going to find out next year in the mid term elections. >>gretchen: in the 2012 presidential exit poll, what should happen to the 2010 health care law, results among hispanics: expand or leave? 57%. repeal, only 33%. so you seem to be on to something here, that that was such an important part of the way in which hispanics voted. >> critically important. there's a lot of expectations on a lot of issues. not just health care. on the economy. latinos are getting affected by that, double-digit unemployment rate. fastest growing segment of small business is hispanic business. so all of these issues -- health care, education, the economy -- are going to
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affect how latinos feel about the candidate they're going to vote for in the next election, whether it be mid term or whether it be presidential. i think that vote is up for grabs. i think both parties have some work to do. >>gretchen: interesting discussion. thanks so much. next on the rundown, a new warning about these popular energy drinks and what it has to do with an ingredient found in a juicy steak. anna getting us ready for april showers. right, anna? >> absolutely. we are personalizing amazing umbrellas for you, brian and steve and our "fox & friends" viewers. these are gust busters umbrellas and claim to be the best in the world, unflippable, unflappable, unleakable. we'll put them to the wind test in 60 miles-per-hour test in 60 miles-per-hour winds coming up.
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♪ >>gretchen: miranda lambert belting out "mama's broken hearts" at the academy music awards last night. she won the female vocal
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award, the fourth time. she picked up a trophy for "over you." which she wrote with blake shelton, the show's cohost. >> i used to think i was a decent song writer until i started hanging around with her and she taught me how to write a good song. this is proof of it. thank you so much, baby. i love you. >> thank you. >>gretchen: very sweet. >>steve: more highlights throughout today's program. >>brian: more of your headlines. red meat and energy drinks have one thing in common. they are both bad for your heart and could kill you, that according to a brand-new study. researchers say both contain a compound that mixes with a chemical in our bodies that thickens the walls of our arteries that can put you at a higher risk for heart attack, stroke and even death. >>steve: great. rhode island's tallest
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building once a symbol of prosperity, now a symbol of misery. this 26-story sky scraper known as the superman building because of its resemblance to the daily planet headquarters on the old tv show and the movies, it will no longer light up at night. that's because it its only business tenants moved out. rhode island currently has a 9.4% unemployment rate, among the highest in the nation. >>gretchen: an unbelievable accident. a motorcyclist crashed into the back up a pickup truck in utah. it landed in the back of the truck. the pickup driver said he heard a thud but didn't stop. >> i've been doing this for 18 years, and this is the first somebody actually landed in the back of the truck and they drove off the freeway to somewhere else. the guy had no idea he was in the back of the vehicle. >>gretchen: the driver discovered the man in his truck when he got off the highway. he's in critical condition.
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police think the biker may have been drinking. before we go to sports, i want to be a proud mom for a minute. when we were in spring break in arizona, my son who is 8 filled out the spring bracket. he went up against his dad. look who picked the final two teams: louisville-michigan. my son. >>steve: who does he have winning? >>gretchen: he has michigan winning because that is where my husband went to college. could happen, although i know louisville is the number-one seed. michigan is four. but michigan has had an amazing tournament as well. >>brian: write us and tell you how you did in your bracket. there is going to be a new national champion as of today. louisville takes on michigan. the cardinals overcame a 12-point deficit against michigan state. they looked finished but they won that game.
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wolverines game time 9:23. rick pitino the coach. wrestle mania friday night. over 80,000 fans flocked to the event. great athletes plenty which featured ten different matches at met life stadium in new jersey. this year's wrestle mania is expected to challenge per-per-view's all time record. a coordinated fan at the reds game against the washington nationals catches a ball bare handed. the best part? he had his two-year-old son under his arm. his name is matt lincoln. he joined "fox & friends" on the phone to give us the play-by-play. >> the ball came right to me.
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there was no other option for me other than to put my hand out and catch it. it was the perfect situation. i was protecting my pregnant wife who gave me strict instructions before the game that if any balls came out in that direction i better stop them. >>brian: his wife is due in nine days. as for his son, he's been holding the ball in his hand ever since, and he's got some great video. >>steve: i heard the interview. he is right-handed but he caught with his left hand. >>brian: on kilmeade and friends we're going to talk ncaa and the rutgers scandal with coach bob hurley. mike piaz will be on with us. >>gretchen: let's check with maria for our weather forecast. a huge change coming to the northeast today. >> starting to finally feel like spring. 70 degrees the high temperature today in new york city. tomorrow almost 80 degrees in new york city. incredible mild air across the eastern half of the
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country. this is associated with the storm system located farther towards the west. ahead of it very warm, 84 for your high in san antonio, 70's in kansas city, memphis, cleveland. 47 for your high temperature in caribou, maine. we had batches of heavy rain rolling through parts of wisconsin and illinois. on the west side of this system, the back end of it you're talking significant snowfall accumulations. 6 to 12 inches widespread possible. gusts to 40 miles per houfrplt blizzard warnings -- miles per hour. blizzard warnings in effect. ahead of this system severe weather possible today across portions of oklahoma, kansas, and even into the city of omaha, nebraska. keep this in mind. large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornadoes will be possible today. we actually have a threat for severe storms coming up tuesday and wednesday. heed those warnings across the center of the country over the next couple of days. let's head back inside, steve, gretchen and brian.
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>>steve: maria molina outside where it is 55, double nickels. >> almost warm enough to not wear a coat. >>gretchen: keep them handy because you never know. you know what they say. april showers bring may flowers. but too many showers and say goodbye to that umbrella if it is windy. >>steve: anna live in new york with the umbrella maker that can take on the wind. it is unflippable and unflappable. >> and unleakable. very different from my umbrella. it always flips inside out and it is so obnoxious, annoying and embarrassing. this company, gust busters, claims theirs are the best in the entire world bar none. joined by the founder, creator and inventor. good morning. you say you put everything that you have in this warehouse to a wind test of 60 miles an hour before it hits the market? >> that is exactly true. every umbrella. steve doocy was once in the
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wind tunnel with me when i first started. >> how do you explain the incredibleness of this? is it the fabric? >> it's wind release vents that allow the wind to pass through the umbrella so you don't get wet. what flips the umbrella is wind pressure. because of our elastic shock cords, no two masses can occupy the same space. the wind comes through releasing the pressure, yet it blocks in so you can't get wet because no two masses occupy the same space. >> i want to test my umbrella out. >> before you do, put this on. safety first. >> these gust umbrellas are number one on the p.g.a. tour? >> we are the number-one umbrella. whenever you're ready. here we go. >> are you ready? >> here goes nothing.
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>> turn it in. flip it the other way. >> how obnoxious and annoying is this? we'll test out the real ones, the gust busters, bad boys, the best in the industry coming up in just a bit and i'll go fix my hair. >>steve: i do remember steve was on our show about 12 minutes or so ago and he gave us all the gut buster "fox & friends" model. i used it during hurricane sandy and it didn't go inside out. >>brian: you were at super storm sandy about 15 miles away. you could have used that at long beach. >> i know. i thought i was doing weather coverage and here we are. >>gretchen: bring three of those extra umbrellas back for us. >> thanks. >>steve: i got a feeling they're going to
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personalize some for us. straight ahead, a deadly new strain of the bird flu is spreading fast. three more people reported yesterday. what you need to know about the possible bird flu and you next. group a fox news reporter finds herself behind bars. she is refusing to reveal a source in an exclusive story. judith miller did the same thing. she is here with her unique she is here with her unique perspective. i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side.
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flu virus. six people died in eastern china and cases being reported daily. the c.d.'s says it is starting to work on a vaccine. >> a man drove through the front of a house with three people inside. oregon police say he was elderly and suffered a medical emergency while making a turn. no one inside was hurt. brian, your daily alarm at 6:46 a.m. is going off. i think it's only three or four hours late. >>brian: you know what that means? >>gretchen: is this your alarm to get up in the morning? >>brian: it is my alarm for pete. tensions rises in north korea as they prepare for another nuclear test according to some. this after the pentagon says it will hold off on a nuclear test of our own for fears of provoking that madman kim jong un. does the u.s. risk caving on its threats? let's ask the c.e.o. of
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concerned veterans for america. >> first of all, i'm proud to have a brian kilmeade alarm. i don't like it when we delay things because of a rogue regime like this. at the same time it looks to me like secretary hagel is taking a prudent step to say this has nothing to do with north korea, but if they're going to use it and interpret it in such a way so that they can turn up the heat even more, they said why do it? i sort of defer to him in this particular case. we're doing everything we can on the ground there, posturing ourselves to prepare for further provocations from this regime. there's been more news today about sort of a proportional timely precise strike if necessary. this is a problem we brought on ourselves. we had three presidencies before this one saying we wouldn't tolerate a nuclear north korea. there they are and they're tphraupbgt -- flaunting the weapons they got and we're reacting to it. >>brian: they're rebuilding the plant they blew up for condoleezza
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rice. pete, if you're on the ground and one of those 31,000 american troops in south korea, what are you thinking today? >> you're very much in heightened state alert. tours in south korea include a great deal of training. at this point they're going to have echelons of activity and preparedness. they're at a very much heightened state. they're collaborating with their south korean partners preparing for any contingency air, land or sea. it is clear this morning in "the new york times," they're prepared for that proportional decisive strike alongside south koreans if necessary. there was a 2010 sinking of a south korean destroyer. there was a 2010 shelling of that island we've talked about by the north. weak or no response from the south both times, i think it is time to show we're not going to continue to allow these types of activities to occur. any action like that by the south koreans would include some support from the united states as it should. >>brian: and it would prohibit us from acting if china said i would imagine
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you act against us, it will be an action against them. but they have said the opposite, essentially we can't make heads or tails of them any way. it's going to be an interesting week as the grandfather and founder of the country's birthday comes up this week and wants to know if his grandson will celebrate by sending off a rocket over south korea through japan. thanks, pete. straight ahead, months after his death navy seal sniper's dream of showing teachers how to defend themselves is coming true. the man carrying out his wishes will be next. what do you think? that's great. it won't take long, will it?
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>>steve: even after his passing navy seal chris kyl's legacy lives on. before being shot at a gun range in texas in february, the slain sniper and our next guest were organizing a concealed weapons course. kyle's dream came to fruition this past weekend in texas packing kennandale's high school awed tourpl. joining us is kyle partner in this endeavor and dear friend, chief of public safety for darworthington gardens. good morning to you. >> good morning. it is an honor to be here. >> it is an honor. you were good friends with chris kyle, america's deadliest military sniper. when did you two decide getting together a bunch of teachers in an auditorium
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and teaching them about handguns was a good idea? >> the first seeds were planted in november and december when we started talking about c.h.l.'s. my son said why don't y'all do a few -- a few -- teachers free first to get it kicked off. of course it snowballed into a 1,000-seat venue on saturday. after connecticut, it kind of rolled really quick and we were anxious to do what we could to help educate and chase out some of the spirit of fears about guns and gun safety. >>steve: you weren't really pushing policy. you were pushing safety to try to get people understand how you can safely use a gun. for the 700 people who showed up over the weekend, what comes next? >> they have to qualify. we will spend the next several weeks -- we have several days planned where they go on a range. yesterday we qualified some 145 teachers. they did marvelous. everybody passed.
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they did very, very well. they followed instructions. >>steve: the national rifle association called for an armed personnel member in every school. you obviously think that's a very good idea. >> i think that we need to do something in the schools. absolutely. >>steve: like what? >> well, i think there are several options for people. while i believe in local control and local policy should rule there, if they want armed people in the school, they need to be trained to do these things. they need to be profiled to make sure they are the ones we want in those places and that they can respond as we need them, whether they are armed security or which ever way the school goes, even if they go with armed teachers, they need a little bit more advanced training. they need to be profiled. we don't necessarily want everybody carrying guns, but we want right people. >>steve: and the people who have the guns have to
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know what they're doing. that's why you've got to get certified. texas law does allow school personnel once they're certified to carry. ultimately, chief, more safety -- you know, more protection can't hurt; right? >> it certainly can't hurt. and more education and more training certainly cannot hurt. that's how we overcome these issues and get rid of this and get rid of the fear. that absolutely cannot help. >>steve: let's see what happens next. a big weekend down there in texas. bill waybourn from the dalworthington gardens where he is chief of police. thank you for joining us on "fox & friends." about three minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, have you heard about this? a fox news reporter about to find herself behind bars. she is refusing to reveal a source in an exclusive story. judith miller, who spent 85
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days behind bars for doing that, she's got a unique perspective. why isn't anybody other than us talking about this story? >> where can you fill up for less? the state with the biggest drop in gas prices coming drop in gas prices coming up.cer ] you like who you are... and you learned something along the way. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. see if america's most prescribed ed treatment is right for you.
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you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's monday, april 8, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. the timetable for north korea's next move just moved up. 72 hours before they test another nuke now. could it be wednesday? this morning the u.s. designs a response. >> brian: then what's behind last month's terrible jobs report? the white house blames the sequester. but there is one problem with that. the facts. donald trump weighs in. >> steve: and a big upset at a big country party in las vegas last night. a man takes the top award. >> i don't know what to say, guy s. this is the defining moment much my life and it means the world.
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>> steve: that is awesome. all the winners, losers and performances from the academy of country music awards. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ you got me working, workday and night ♪ >> brian: she's not waiting for the gym to open. she doesn't have to tease. she's if our news room teaching you how to make the most of your workday. maybe get to work early, do some working out at work and get paid for it. >> steve: she says at the top of every hour you should do chair squats and later today, if you're on a conference call with somebody and it sounds like the person on the phone is out of breath, it could be because they are doing nicky's key kickbacks. find out how you can do that and get some exercise. >> gretchen: nobody would think one of us has a screw loose if we were doing that when they knock on our door to come in.
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>> brian: but also -- >> gretchen: it's good idea. >> brian: also, if someone is out of breath on a conference call, they could is an asthma attack. >> steve: could be. >> gretchen: could be a variety of different things. >> brian: thank you. >> gretchen: let's get to your headlines now. he spent two years behind bars for taking people hostage at one of hillary clinton's campaign offices. but this morning, he's on the run, he escaped from a halfway house in new hampshire. this is not the first time leeland aisenberg escaped custody. in 2010 he cut off his ankle monitoring device and elude police for 24 hours. he claims he's bipolar and would have been eligible for parole this august. if he gets caught, he blew it. the body of a man killed in afghanistan returning at dover air force base. 25-year-old ann was a press officer in kabul. she was on her way to donate books photo a school when her convoy was attacked. four other americans also killed. >> it was her passion and she really made a difference doing
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it and you can't regret that at all. she really did a great job. >> she's just one of the many people who answer the call to serve our country in a myriad of ways. for that, we are forever grateful. >> gretchen: just two weeks ago, she served as a personal guide for secretary of state john kerry when he was visiting that part of the world. the son-in-law of osama bin laden back in the new york city court today. the mouthpiece of al-qaeda will be just blocks away from ground zero. he pleaded not guilty to conspiring to kill americans. his case is significant because the obama administration has decided to try him in a federal court instead of a military commission at guantanamo bay. prosecutors say he appeared alongside bin laden the day after september 11, warning about additional terrorist attacks in the united states. the country crooners and comedians, blake shelton and
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luke bryan kicking off the academy of country music awards in vegas. >> i want y'all to know in real life, luke and i are actually buddies. >> yeah, right. this isn't some made up country fiction like that show "nashville" where a faded, aging country superstar is forced to team up with a hot young sensation. >> gretchen: brian went on to win entertain of the year. the first male to do so since 2007. >> i don't know what to say, guys. this is the defining moment of my life and it means the world to me. >> gretchen: miranda lambert took home four awards, including best fee mal vocalist. she joins reba mcentire and loretta lynn now for singers to win it. blake shelton took time from host to go show his emotional side.
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♪ you don't have to keep on smiling that ♪ >> gretchen: he performed an acoustic version of "should be be cool if you did." those are i couldn't headlines this morning. >> steve: one of the cool things we do on this program is every monday we bring in donald trump, the author of "time to get tough." he joins us on the phone. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: we're going to talk about the all-star "celebrity apprentice." the key is, be don't misspell your wife's name. first, let's talk about north korea. it looks like in the next couple of days, they're either going to do an underground atomic test or do something dopey. china, it sounds like is finally turning on them right now. it looks like public opinion in china is going against north korea. >> brian: although john mccain doesn't agree. he thinks china should be doing more. >> steve: with a do you think? >> i think china has total control overt situation. i think china is, as you know, i've been saying it for a long time, people are starting to see
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i'm right, they're not our friend. and frankly, i don't know if they're taunting us or what. but they could have this thing ended quickly. how many years of abuse do we have to take from this group of people over in north korea? threatening us, we're going to set off a nuclear weapon tomorrow, i've never heard of threats like this. these aren't like threats, these are the worst. so china could solve this problem immediately. i think they taunt us. i was listening to brian this morning and he sort of said that they're keeping us busy mentally so they can take over the world economically while we worry about north korea. i really think china is taunting us. they have no respect whatsoever. >> gretchen: do you think this particular quote from the chinese president, no one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain. is that directed at north korea then? because some are speculating it could be directed at a variety of other countries, including the united states. >> it might be directed at us. i think even them right now, they're getting fed up because
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now this character, this 28 or 30-year-old character is going too far. interesting because on the apprentice, it was interesting, when disthen rodman was there, the guy was hugging and kissing dennis and please have somebody call me, please, please. i spoke to dennis last night and i was at last night, which was a great honor for me because it was really great. >> brian: they love you. >> they gave -- they put me into their hall of fame, which is very nice. >> gretchen: i didn't know you wrestled. >> well, i don't wrestle, but i have the all-time highest, biggest rated show they've ever done thus far. >> gretchen: i know. >> i hope they don't beat it tomorrow night. and bruno san martino got on of the i saw dennis rodman and i said, this guy loves you. he said, he does love me. we don't even talk to anybody. not that i believe so much in talk, because these threats are disgusting. , but we don't have anybody to even speak to them. it's crazy. >> brian: i know. let's move on to something else that you really have an expertise at.
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our economy. our economic woes continue. nobody even in the white house is saying that those job numbers look great. unemployment dropped to 7.6 because how many people, 6600 people stopped looking for work. they are blaming the administration, the whole thing on sequester. what do you think? >> first of all, somebody has to do something about the way they interpret unemployment numbers. it is a total joke. when people stop look for work, the numbers go down. it is so ridiculous the way they -- you talk, this is basic math and the way they tally this up is absolutely, they ought to look into it because it's ridiculous. we have bad news, the news is horrible. thousands, hundreds of thousands of people stop looking for work and the numbers look better because of that. so they have to do something about it. look, the biggest problem we really have, i mean, other than other countries ripping us left and right like we don't know what we're doing, which we don't, by the way.
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but the biggest problem we have is going to be obamacare. people cannot -- it is so complicated, i administer a very, very big company. i will tell you that i have people that are very, very smart coming to me and there is no way you can administer this thing. now they're talk being hiring hundreds of thousands of people in the federal government to explain to people what it all means. there are various ways you can calculate. there are so many different ways. if do you it one way, you don't have to pay. if do you it another way, you pay five times what you used to pay. it is ridiculous. it's impossible to administer. i'm talking about for the federal government. it's going to collapse because of its complexity and frankly, the way it is, you can't really make it less complex. >> steve: that's right. that's why so many companies and unions have asked for waivers and things like that. what's interesting is the administration is blaming the sequester. the sequester hasn't really kicked in. now we have the participation rate, which is what you were alluding to, at 63%. it hasn't been that low since
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jimmy carter was the president of the united states. and according to the jobs report that came out on friday, we only created 88,000 new jobs. i was talking to ed, a smart guy in finance, what he said is because you need 300,000 jobs to really get the economy going, if you only have 88,000, that's essentially like getting a 29 on a score out of 100. >> right. that's right. the numbers were far worse than anticipated. in fact, i was afghanistan a group of -- watching a group of economists. when the numbers came out, they couldn't believe it. they thought it would be at least fairly -- actually they couldn't even believe the numbers, how bad they were. it's a problem. >> gretchen: it's interesting, though, because we've talked a lot on this show and probably with you about the simplistic messaging for the obama administration and they get a lot of fact about how the numbers help them because people will see a headline, wow, unemployment went down to 7.6%, and if you don't dig any deeper or watch other channels that
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might be analyzing it deeper, you think it's getting better. which is a little bit of a scary situation. >> brian: a lot of people see the numbers and say, i'm going to put on the "celebrity apprentice." i just need some -- >> steve: unemployment went up one last night. >> brian: you fired somebody. shear the moment where you had to make that tough decision, firing one of the celebrities. listen. >> are you proud of yourself? >> i'm not proud of myself because -- >> i would be proud. i think you should be proud. >> every time we have this board room, i know i'm coming in here. >> well, you are in here all the time. that bothers me also because prank frankly, you are in here all the time. your team brings you in. every week they bring you back. different teams, different players. you are the project manager. you did lose. dennis, you're fired. >> brian: he spelled your wife's name wrong. >> you know, that was tough, though, because -- he didn't really spell it wrong. and i guess i could have gone a
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little bit different way, but he was the project manager and he did deserve. i see i got the proper marks, so people agreed. but dennis rodman is great. he was so solid this time, if you rather few years ago, he was on, avenues disaster. he has really cleaned up his act. >> steve: he invited himself into your wife's bathroom last night! >> he did. but it's one of those little things. it's one of those things. dennis really did a good job on "celebrity apprentice." he was solid. he was sharp. i was very proud of dennis. >> gretchen: you freed him up to be the new ambassador to north korea. >> well, he seems to do a better job than anybody else. they don't even have a phone. the whole thing is ridiculous. just let me finish with this, south korea makes a fortune because of us. why are we protecting them without payment? south korea makes an absolute -- it's a very wealthy country, tremendous deficits we have with south korea. yet, they call and we send our
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battleships and we send our aircraft carriers and we send everything over there. they don't give us ten cents. why aren't they paying us for this? we're not a country that can do this anymore. they should be paying us. >> brian: great point. >> steve: and the new president of south korea wants to build up the military and we're going no, you don't need to. we got your back. if you want to follow him on twitter, he's at real donald trump. he was busy last night. >> brian: i got to get some of that skin care and the question will be answered, will gary busey be your celebrity spokesperson? we'll have to wait one week to find out. >> steve: thank you. >> good, i'll speak to you next week. >> gretchen: coming up, a fox news reporter about to find herself behind bars for refuse to go reveal a source. judith miller spent time behind bars and is here next until ever wonder what happened when your bags are checked? an airport working caught on camera stealing thousands of dollars worth of stuff. >> steve: first here is more from last night's acm.
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>> gretchen: follow-up from the massacre in colorado in aurora, fox news reporter jonna winter facing possible jail time unless she reveals the source behind her story about the notebook kept by james holmes. joining me now, investigative reporter and fox news contributor judith miller who can relate to her situation. good morning. >> good morning, gretchen. >> gretchen: remind our viewers what your situation was back in 1995. >> i had a very similar situation. my case was federal and not state. but basically a court and a judge also wanted me to reveal my sources. the situation was a little different. i never actually wrote about the matter that was under
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investigation, whereas jonna broke a very important story in this case. but nevertheless, i was faced with the same choice and i made the same decision that she seems to be making. >> gretchen: which is you were not going to reveal your source. you went to prison for 85 days. >> yes. >> gretchen: scooter libby said, i am the source and that freed you. >> well, he came out and he gave me a personal waiver. there were several sources. i wasn't going to talk about the sources of my reporting in general and really the dilet me ma she faces. >> gretchen: why is it so important for investigative journal schism people like yourself to not reveal the sources? >> basically, gretchen, if we're dependent on what the government tells us, the public never really gets to know what it needs to know about a situation. and we can't do our jobs without investigative reporting, that is without going out and talking to people who perhaps the government doesn't want us to
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talk to to give the public the full story, is this which is -- which is very much what johna did and i tried to do. but if we don't have that personal relationship and a relationship of trust with our sources, people won't tell us things because they really are risking their careers when they tell us something that perhaps the government doesn't want us to know. >> gretchen: in colorado there is the shield law. it says if information directly relevant to a substantial issue in the case is apparent, then you're forced to tell who your sources are. it would seem to me in this case, since she's the only one who reported that this psychiatrist knew potentially that he could do something like this and had drawn pictures of it, that she is, in fact, going to be forced and then she may go to prison. >> well, i think she may have to go to prison. i'm certainly hoping that the judge does not put her in that position because on friday, last friday the court itself disclosed a loft documents about
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the fact that the psychiatrist in this case to whom james holmes sent these drawings and these notebooks had actually told the campus police that she was frightened of him and she thought he was a danger to the community. so the information that johna originally disclosed is now public and it probably would have come out anyway. so i don't think she ought to be forced to make a decision between burning a confidential source and going to jail when the information is already public. >> gretchen: very important point of the we'll continue to follow the point. judith miller, the perfect guest for this segment. >> unfortunately. >> gretchen: where can you fill up with the lowest gas prices? then did you know sitting all day at work can literally be killing you? nicky fitness is here with the workouts you can do at your desk where. is brian? ♪ i want to get physical ♪ let's get into physical
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and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. first, 12%. that's how much gas prices have dropped in indiana, making it the biggest drop in the nation. why? more fuel efficient cars are on the roads there, they say. and crude oil prices are down across all of indiana. next. $800,000, that's how much taxpayers paid for this futuristic bus stop in arlington, virginia t. boasted heated concrete floor, and a digital display board that shows when the next plus -- news about arrive. it doesn't keep people dry or warm, for a million bucks. finally, $26 million. that's how much evil dead made at the box office, making it the number one movie in america. now we go down to the news room
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and brian kilmeade getting into shape. >> brian: thanks. indicating i'm not in shape, that really hurts my feelings. people who sit more than four hours a day are more than like three have heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes. what can do you to keep fit if you have to work a lot? i'm joined by a familiar face, nicky fitness herself, nicole. what do we do about this problee. people say sitting is the new smoking. if you sit all day long, you're doing worse for yourself than if you were to go and run. if you sat and run, you're worse off. you're better off working out throughout the day. >> brian: people who say i can't help it, i have to work it, my family needs to eat, you have a solution. i sense we're being to engage in that solution. >> yes. we're being to get a little action going on. so at 9:00 o'clock, 10:00 o'clock, 11, on the top of the hour at work, do 20 chair squats. sit in your chair, squeeze the glutes as you stand.
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20. that's 9:00 o'clock, 10:00 o'clock, 11:00 o'clock. top of every hour. >> brian: just a minute. is this the music we picked? this is betty hill music. >> maybe you're on hold with a customer and this is what you're hearing in the background. >> brian: we did our squats. my quads are pumped. >> now we're doing tricep dips. down up, 20 times. you'll do this so many times a day, you'll do 180 to 200. >> brian: what are some of the comebacks we should have if people say what are you doing? >> either close your door or say i'm getting fit. >> brian: i'm going to throw your name around. what now? >> desk pushups. every time you have a bathroom break, lunch break, this is when you do your pushups. you can get up to 100 a day. >> brian: right. it just so happens that nicky's
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dvd is right here. how many have we done? >> now we're going to do bicep curls. we want to do this standing up if you can. you can also do it sitting at your chair. sitting is the new smoking. >> brian: we do these and i can also take calls on speaker phone. >> i say do this one if off conference call. stand up, do your bicep curls. >> brian: this is five, right? >> yep. that's for yours to tour. do that throughout the day. any time off call, stand up. do not sit. and our last one will be our glute workout. you put your feet in the shape of a t and kick back. >> brian: really? what is that for? >> this is for your booty. >> brian: really? >> yeah. so when people walk by and say what are you working on? you say i'm working on my booty. because you're sitting all day. my butt falls asleep when i'm at the office writing my fitness articles all day. if you stand up, working it
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here, your legs won't be asleep. >> brian: you do it every hour? you don't have to work out at thend of the day. >> absolutely. >> brian: get her book and dvd and steal her weights. >> hand weights. they don't look like weights. >> gretchen: i think at the top of the half hour, all three of us should be doing those things for oratory -- our triceps. special ops firing off a letter to congress. one of the men joins us live. then johnny unitas, one of the most legendary players, the current can be was just tapped to play him on the big screen. who is it [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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♪ here i am signed, sealed, delivered ♪ ♪ i'm yours >> brian: it is your shot of the morning. it's our moving shot. singer stevie wonder crashing the acm's, i believe they knew ahead of time. he closed the show with a little
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help from co-host blake shelton. entertainer of the year, luke bryan, no relation. >> steve: a really big night. >> gretchen: you mean relation to you? >> brian: yes. i don't want a lot of e-mails. >> steve: meanwhile, they, like us, want the truth about benghazi. a group of 700 retired military special operators veterans firing off a letter to congress today urging them to create a house select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in libya on september 11 of 2012. >> brian: air force colonel dick brower is founder of operation speaks, the operation behind the letter. colonel, first off, why now? this happened six, seven months ago. >> because, brian, this has been slow rolled, as we say in the air force. if we wait long enough, maybe it will go away. but we owe the truth to the american people and particularly the families of the fallen and their relatives such as pat smith, the mother of sean smith,
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and also dorothy woods, the wife of former seal tyrone woods, two of the four brave americans killed in the attack. we still do not have the truth. >> gretchen: so colonel, there were hearings on this and many people testified and yet, people still walked away feeling like wow, there is still some central questions that we maybe don't have the answers to. here is part of the letter that you're sending about the investigation. america has always held to the notion that no american will be left behind and that every effort will be made to respond when u.s. personnel are threatened. given our backgrounds, we are concerned that this sends a very negative message to future military and diplomatic personnel. in what way? what are your concerns? >> our concerns are that benghazi, as i like to refer to it, is kind of like being handed a jigsaw buzz until a box without the picture on the box. we have a lot of pieces out there with some facts that are coming in, some that we still have no answers for.
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our letter also contains, as you've seen, about 16 or 17 just a few of the major questions that have not been answered. i listened to the senate armed services committee hearing and the hearing with hillary clinton, a love fest for the 2016 election, and key questions were not asked and many were not answered. special operations speaks on behalf of general jerry boyken are reaching out and speaking to veterans across the united states and had 700 special operations veterans from all four services that want to know the answers to these questions as we do. >> steve: sure. you just mentioned hillary clinton. yesterday on sunday chat shows, they were speculating when she would announce she's running for president. i think there are a lot of people who think by her appearing before that committee, she's off the hook. is she off the hook with your group? >> not at all. not at all. if you recall, during that
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hearing, she promised answers to some of the lengthier questions by her compatriots. those answers have not been provided. she's walked away from that and i doubt they ever will be, unless we have an additional hearing and a special investigation. >> gretchen: here are some of the questions you feel have not been answered. why was there no military response to the event in benghazi? were military assets in the region available? if so, were they alerted? were assets deployed in preparation for rescue or recovery attempt? what if any nonmilitary assistance was provided during the attack? that's just five or six. you have 16 to 20 questions. do you think you're going to actually get these answers? >> i think the truth -- the answers are out there. we just haven't rolled over the right rocks. for instance, once the ambassador pressed the button, within an hour, everyone was alerted, i count 12 to 16
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command centers within the intelligence community where people were leaning forward in the saddle, getting ready to go as special operations have rehearsed for throughout their career. some of the signers of our 700, our soft 700 are veterans of rescue operations such as the prison camp raid in vietnam and desert one which i'm familiar. we lost people in those, but special operations leans forward in the saddle, never leaves our people behind, and that sends a message to the american people and our military forces that we have their back. we have their 6:00 o'clock, as our aviator friends would say. >> steve: sure. and the message that was spent to special operators on september 11 of last year was, yeah, you can go in there and we might leave you behind. >> exactly right. and why were they left behind? was it a political reason? why? we want to know that and we feel that a dedicated hearing would
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allow the yes or no questions that were asked by kelly ayotte during the senate armed services committee where we found out many months afterwards that the president walked away that night and went to bed. kind of astounding for a commander in chief to do that. >> brian: he had to get up early because he had to go to las vegas the next day. >> exactly, for a fund-raiser. so was this a political decision? whoever gave the order to stand down and that order was heard, stand down meaning let military do nothing, sentenced four people to death. >> steve: sure. we know everything there was to know about what happened on the bin laden raid. we know so little about this. good luck to you and your group. i know this channel has been trying to get answers as well. we hope you do, too. >> we have a web site if i might, www.special there is a three minute video called "our five l's, leaks,
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lies, libya, and lack of leadership." that still is true today from the day we made it. there is also another web site available where you can go and see, "end the cover-up." >> brian: we can put it on fox's web site. >> gretchen: now other headlines. red meat and energy drinks. did you ever think they had one thing in common? they're both bad for your heart and could kill you. researchers say both contain a compound that mixes with a chemical in our bodies and thickens the walls much our arteries. that can put you at higher risk for heart attack, stroke and death. >> brian: i hope five hour energy not included in there. disturbing crime caught on camera. an airport worker stealing from luggage. police say he stole more than $84,000 worth of stuff from the bags of passengers at the minneapolis-st. paul airport.
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investigators found over 700 items at his apartment, including gun, electronics, purses and watches. the man had apparently been pulling the scam for eight months before he got caught. >> steve: she stepped up to face the violent drug cartels when no man would. now the bravest woman in mexico is coming to new york. she will attend the opening of a play based on her life. it's called "so go the ghosts of mexico" in 2010 at 20 years old, garcia took over as police chief for her small town after the cartels murdered the previous chief. she fought to end violence through community improvement, but was forced to flee after months of threats on her family. >> brian: he's one of the best quarterbacks in the league. joe flacco as great on camera as on the field? he signed on to play johnny unitas in a film.
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his son said he wanted him because the star reminds him of his dad. >> steve: very cool. all right. >> gretchen: he can throw. >> steve: it's getting warm here. we've got big storms in the central plains. maria is out on the streets to tell us all. >> good morning. it's feeling much nicer across new york city and that's the story for everyone east of the rockies. you will be seeing temperatures above average. good news for us, finally feeling like spring. here no new york city, we could see a high temperature to reach 70 degrees. it's going to stay warm over the next several days. enjoy it while you have it. we do have a strong cold front starting to organize across portions of the rockies today. that system heads east. hyped it, it will be much colder. denver, colorado, on tuesday, your high temperature will only be 20 degrees. across the rockies, we're also talking some major winter weather with between six to 12 inches of snow. ahead of it looking at areas of rain across wisconsin and illinois. winter thunderstorm warnings and
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blizzard warnings in effect out here. six to 12 inches widespread. in the center of the country, severe storms possible not just today, but as we head through wednesday. we could be talking about isolated tornadoes, damaging wind gusts and even large hail. stay safe across the plains and heed the warning. >> gretchen: thanks so much. we'll check back a little later on. >> steve: 18 minutes before the top of the hour. forget about home on the range because it's against the law for deer and the antelope to roam. more proof of the regulation nation is headed your way. >> gretchen: would you take relationship advice from a 7-year-old? stick around. this little girl is here to share her words of wisdom. ♪
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none of us think bad things are gonna happen to us. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. an artery in your heart, it's called the widow maker. and mine was 95% blocked. they took me to the hospital, and the doctor put me on a bayerspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a blue-collar worker. to me, bayer aspirin is another tool. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. ♪
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to see the new signature series and 1 family tractors. ♪ oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam ♪ ♪ where the deer and the antelope play ♪ >> steve: that is my home state of kansas' official song. you know what? the animals in missouri, which is next to kansas, won't be roaming anywhere thanks to our regulation nation. here to explain that law and tell us the ridiculous red tape we face, nicky. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: let's talk a little bit about how those lawmakers in missouri are trying to crack down on animals, as if they, the animals, actually read the laws. >> yes. so in missouri, rams are actually not allowed to roam between may 1 and november 1. but from november 2 until april 30, they're good to go.
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yeah. they have free rein. >> steve: from may 1 to november 1, they can't. but then after that, they go crazy. however, horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, swine, sheep and goats cannot ever roam in missouri, right? >> correct. they are not ever allowed to roam. if they do roam, the owner has to be notified within three days. the owner has to repay the cost of their feeding and care for the period that they were looked after. it turns out swine, the way you can tell if a swine is wild or if it's feral or someone else's, is it has an ear tag or otherwise has some information on it. if it's feral, it can be pig. so be very careful. >> steve: let's talk about what they're doing in delaware. if you want to sell a watch of yours to your neighbor, there are all sorts of regulations, aren't there? >> yes. you actually have to -- there has to be a tag on your
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secondhand watch that says the word, secondhand, written in legibly in english. watch sales have to be available for three years and they have to be available to any officer of the peace. >> steve: national used watch registry for three years. >> yeah. the scary thing is if you don't follow these rules, you're actually subject to between a 100 or $500 fine, or you can be imprisoned for up to three months. it's a stupid law burks i do think -- law, but do you think anybody who sells something on ebay knows about this? >> steve: of course not. they went down to home depot and had the sale. now they know. let's talk about what's going on in florida. there are many interior designers and as it turns out, they need to be certified. >> not just anybody can hang drapes in your home. florida has sop of the most
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draconian design laws in the country. i would say it's actually window dressing on protectionism. so you need to take an exam to call yourself a licensed interior designer and that means to give advice on anything that is a nonstructural element. so any wall hangings, any drapes, any throw pillows. and this is done for health and safety reasons. study after study, the institute for justice in dc has done a study showing there is absolutely no reason for this. it's really just protectionism. it's just a cartel trying to keep competition out. >> steve: it's just another example of how we're becoming a regulation nation. nicky neily, we thank you for joining us for joining us. >> thanks. >> steve: don't go roaming out in missouri or you'll be -- oh, you can, don't take your ram. thanks. >> thanks. >> steve: coming up, beyonce and jay-z celebrating their an verse in beautiful communist cuba!
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why would they spend money in a place where cubans are being beaten and arrested for disagreeing with the castros and the government? and the skies are anything but friendly these days. the airlines' profits are up, but so are customer complaints. what's going on? first, 1985, this was the number one song in the world. ♪ we are the one to make a better ♪ ♪ so let's start giving ♪ [ male announcer ] there are only so many foods that make kids happy. and even fewer that make moms happy too. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: fox news alert. former british prime minister margaret thatcher has just died. she was the longest serving prime minister in the history of united kingdom serving between 1979 and 1990. to this day, the only woman to have held the post.
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she's also known as the iron lady. margaret thatcher was 87. we'll have more in the next hour right here on "fox & friends." >> brian: for beyonce and jay-z, wanted to get away to celebrate their anniversary. but they chose communist cuba. >> gretchen: the singers aren't the first stars to visit the island. but they are making waves with lawmakers and activists because the trip appears to be just a vacation going against a 51-year travel embargo. what is hollywood's obsession? >> brian: joining us is author of "fidel, hollywood's favorite tyrant." are you shocked that they would go there? >> no. as a matter of fact, these things have been going on for decades. but it is kind of interesting because of the regime that is hosting beyonce and jay-z jail
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the longest suffering prisoners in modern history. and beyonce fancies herself a feminist. the regime hosting her, jailed and tortured the longest suffering female political prisoners in the history of the western hemisphere. >> gretchen: i was reading about that last night and this morning. so it is a little odd that that wouldn't have been part of their trip. but none the less, here is a letter from representatives for the treasury department. we would like to respectfully request information regarding the type of license that beyonce and jay-z received. the restrictions on tours and travel are common since measures meant to prevent u.s. dollars from supporting a murderous regime. is it possible they could have gone without the proper visas? >> it's possible. and the regime, believe me, is playing this up. pictures of them are all over the communist party newspapers and everything. so it is an official visit,
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however they want to call it. but there are a lot of loopholes. if they were going down there to play a concert, it would be cool because hey, it's a cultural exchange! you see? so there is a lot of loopholes. and i'm sure they've got some pretty proficient lawyers. >> brian: right. bill murray, danny glover, sean penn, oliver stone, charlize theron, kevin costner, all found a way to get there, as if they were out of caribbean islands. >> right. this is a regime, i stress, that jailed and tortured and exiled the most artists, the most film makers, the most authors of any regime in the history of the western hemisphere! this is the rich ironies that you have in all of this hollywood and celebrity slobbering up to them. >> gretchen: interesting discussion. the author of a new book, thanks
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for being here. >> thanks for us to spread the truth. >> brian: straight ahead, would you take relationship advice from a 7-year-old? before you say no, stay tuned because this little girl is here live to share her book of love. >> gretchen: seen her, kung fu fighting, next it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. my doctor recommends citracal maximum. theengineered with aeel-drive unique drive system and dual transmission. all-wheel traction. all-wheel power. all done. only from husqvarna. challenge the impossible. ♪
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because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's monday, april 8, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. fox news alert, we just learned the former prime minister of england, margaret thatcher, has died. details on her passing moments ago. >> steve: meanwhile, timetable for north korea's movement moved up. this morning, the united states has designed a plan. we'll tell you what we know. >> brian: big country party last night a man takes the top award. >> i don't know what to say, guys. this is the defining moment of my life and it means the world to me. >> brian: it could be a big comeback for our gender.
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the winners, the losers and all the highlights from the cma's. "fox & friends" starts now. >> gretchen: let's get to the fox news alert. former british prime minister margaret thatcher has just passed away. she served from 1979 to 1990. to this day, the only woman to have held that post. joining us live from london with the breaking details, greg palkot. we know she's been ill for quite some time. but this will be big huge news across the world today. >> big huge news, gretchen, steve, brian. we just got it in the last ten minutes. 87-year-old margaret thatcher passing away overnight, suffering yet another stroke. that is what ended her long life. she had had a series of minor
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strokes over the past several years. for a long time she's been out of the public spotlight, out of speak engagements. she deals with those ailments. but now we learned again just in the past couple minutes that this former prime minister of the u.k. and former world figure has passed away and the media here really coming to grips with the totality of this incident. we will be hearing more and more about it as the days go on, as the hours go on, really. she served as prime minister from 1979 until 1990. the first woman prime minister, the longest serving prime minister in the u.k. of the 20th century. and some have called her, we just heard one top analyst call her the most significant figure in u.k. politics in post-war history. she is known by americans, of course, as a good friend of
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president ronald reagan. the two were real soul mates. she got into office a little earlier than ronald reagan, but in fact, her path on the economy, on dealing with austerity matters, on dealing with the union, right up ronald reagan's alley. the two of them got along famously. that activity on the economic front got her in trouble with some people, of course, here in the u.k. but she helped fuel a long-term boom in the u.k. that helped lead europe on a lot of fronts on the economic side. foreign policy side, she was strong, too. they didn't call her iron lady for nothing. her move to confront argentina over the faulklands, a major foreign policy highlight of her time in office. some people basically said that it turned around her own political prospects at home when things were getting pretty rough on the economic side, she turned to policy. she was strong, and she was
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there. she was there through 1990, through the fall of the berlin wall, and through the beginning of the end of the soviet union and the east bloc and the communist countries. critical figure. strong in defense and again, former president ronald reagan, former president george bush, strong allies with her. they had a good friend in margaret thatcher and, of course, she strode that world stage mightily and in recent years, of course, movie goers have known her, meryl streep playing her in the well-known movie "the iron lady." right to the end, she stayed in the public eye, a conservative party, a leading figure in that party and now in the past ten, 15 minutes, we learn that 87-year-old margaret thatcher passed away. we're just beginning to hear the tributes to her here in the u.k.
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and certainly from around the world. they will go on throughout this day, we are sure. back to you. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. in the last three minutes, lord bell, margaret thatcher's spokes earn, issued a statement. it is with great sadness that mark and carol thatcher announce their mother died peacefully following a stroke this morning. a further statement will be made later. >> gretchen: greg just mentioned that movie, if you haven't seen it, i would highly recommend it for young people and old people. girls and boys. it's an amazing life story of a woman who had amazing perseverance. never gave up against all odds to become the first female prime minister, the only female prime minister of the u.k. amazing life story in that movie. beautiful lee depicted. >> brian: she cut the size of government and helped bring down the iron wall, the iron curtain, right through the eastern europe. her along with the pope and ronald reagan played a significant role in that. i think she defined leadership.
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the country knew exactly where it was going, whether they agreed with her or not, she looked definitive. it was a time in which we got spoiled with leaders who had new ideas who weren't looking at polls and were doing what they thought was the right thing and if you didn't like them, you could vote them out. >> steve: she will go down as not only the first female prime minister u about someone who helped transform the economy of the united kingdom because it was in terrible shape and she left behind an enduring legacy. margaret thatcher, dead this morning after a stroke. >> gretchen: we will continue to cover this throughout the rest of "fox & friends" and throughout the day here on fox news. other news stories for your monday, another developing story. naval jet crashed into the water near bahrain. the aircraft was operating near the uss dwight d. eisenhower in the north arabian sea when the engine apparently failed. two crew members on board were able to eject safely and rescued from the water. both airmen based in virginia
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beach. eisenhower's home port in virginia, but in the arabian sea conducting sought operations. the body of a woman killed in afghanistan is arriving back at dover air force base. he she was a press officer at the u.s. embassy in kabul. she was on her way to donate books to a school when her convoy was attacked attacked wir bomb. four other americans also killed. >> it was her passion and she really made a difference doing it and you can't regret that at all. she really did a great job. >> she's just one of the many people who answered the call to serve our country in a big way. >> gretchen: just two weeks ago, she served as a personal guide for secretary of state john kerry when he visited afghanistan. he spent two years behind bars for taking people hostage at one of hillary clinton's
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campaign offices. this morning he's on the run after escaping from a halfway house in new hampshire. this is not the first time leeland aisenberg escaped custody. in 2010 he alleged lee cut off his ankle monitoring device and elude police for 24 hours. eyesen burg, who claims he's bipolar, would have been eligible for parole this august. surprise ending to the add mow of country music awards. the show's co-host pulling off an amazing upset. >> the academy of country music entertainer of the year is luke bryan! >> gretchen: well, an emotional bryan broke down in tears. the first male winner since 2007. >> i don't know what to say, guys. this is the defining moment of my life and it means the world to me. >> gretchen: lady antebellum debuted their new single as well called "downtown."
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♪ you maybe tired ♪ but i'm not ♪ i don't know i couldn't don't take me downtown ♪ ♪ >> gretchen: charles kelly finished the song, rubbing sillry scott's belly. you say why would he do that? because she's six months pregnant and expecting a baby girl. her husband is the drummer in the band. those are your headlines. >> steve: big night in vegas. meanwhile, something is up with the koreans. you can tell by the fact that the top commander for south korea had been scheduled to speak before committees in the house and senate. he's staying in the koreas, south korea in particular. why? because. it sounds like north korea is ready to do something. it could be as early as wednesday. they may either shoot off a missile or they may do an underground atomic test. >> brian: the original statement from the south korean official who is in the know said it's his belief that there is an indication that they'll have a nuclear test today. when that got out, he said,
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well, i'm not positive about that. february 12 we knew they had two tunnels built. one explosion went off. they didn't use the other tunnel. we got some word about that. the question is, do they know about it and not want to leak because of the ram if i cautions, or -- ramifications, or was he speaking out of turn? the u.s. anyway over the weekend decided they weren't going to have their test missiles shoot off their missiles in the area because they thought it could be a provocation and they're starting to look at this 29-year-old who thinks dennis rodman as his best friend, whacky enough o star a war for no reason. >> gretchen: how does china factor in to all of this? we all know that they help and support north korea, but it was interesting to look at this statement from the chinese president: no one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain. was that message to north korea? many people are analyzing that it was. that china finally had enough
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and may be now saying enough is enough. but could that message also be to the united states and moving in their missiles and military, ships and such as too much provocation? >> brian: senator john mccain and senator lindsey graham both say i think they got to do more. here is mccain and schumer agreeing on something. >> china does hold the key to this problem. china can cut off their economy if they want to. chinese behavior has been very disappointing, whether it be on cyber security, whether it be on confrontation in the south china sea, or whether their failure to rein in what could be a catastrophic situation which more than once, wars are started by accident and this is a very serious situation. >> the chinese hold a lot of the cards here. they're by nature cautious, but they're carrying it to an extreme. it's about time they stepped up to the plate and put a little
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pressure on this north korea regime. >> steve: there is pressure on the front page of the "new york times." it's the united states and south korean plan, if the north koreans do go ahead and either shell an island as they have done in the past where they killed three people, or if they shoot off a missile. apparently they're going to -- in the first few seconds of a missile launch, they're going to figure out the trajectory. if it's headed for let's say japan or guam or south korea, they're going to shoot it down. meanwhile, it looks as if it goes to the open water, they'll let it go and land in the pacific somewhere. but if they do try to shell another island, it looks as if the south koreans are going to shell the north north koreans. >> brian: yeah. it's going to be very interesting because if there is one thing different about this confrontation, got a new guy in charge in north korea. number two, south korea has a woman in charge who is not going to take any of this and really was elected, put in that position to stand up to north korea and this is her defining moment. >> gretchen: so stay tuned because this is all supposed to happen on wednesday.
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next up, more on the breaking news story. the passing of former british prime minister margaret thatcher. more on her life and legacy. >> brian: a deadly strain of the bird flu is spreading fast. three more deaths reported yesterday and a warning for travelers. >> steve: first a review from last night's cma. here is carrie underwood. ♪ he was a good man ♪ but the women they written by people just like you. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> good morning. >> steve: she really changed a lot over there. we were just listening, monitoring some of the sky news coverage. they're referring to as a transformational leader. >> yes. i think she was the greatest leader of our time actually, a figure who transformed british politics. she restored great britain as a great nation. she put great into great britain. she revived her after -- her country after many years. she restored a sense of pride for the british people. she restored the british economy. she led as a hugely principled conservative leader. she is someone who certainly transformed the british nation. she also left the world a far better, better place.
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she is someone who will be greatly, greatly missed. a true conservative leader for our time. >> brian: she's not somebody who had an easy time of it. i'm reading at oxford where she graduated, she could not join the debating club h, had a hard time. >> she failed to break through, and of course, she came through from a very humble background. she was the daughter of a grocer. she then went on to oxford university to study chemistry. she joined the conservative party at a very young age. she became britain's first woman prime minister because of her conviction, because of her courage, because of her tremendous sense of dedication to her country. she was really a fearless leader who always followed a core conservative's principles. she had a clear cut set of
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beliefs. she always followed those beliefs. she always implemented them. she was a leader above all of tremendous conviction, someone who dedicates her entire life to serving her country, to serving a clear cut set of conservative beliefs. >> gretchen: yeah. i think convictions and leadership, it's so important because even now today, we see some leaders who don't espouse some of those same qualities. they would rather take a pass on some of the tough decisions. she reminds us of somebody who never did that. she had her enemies, of course, as a result. but you could say one of the most important things in life is having your own personal conviction and she certainly had that. talk to us, if you can, about her relationship with former president ronald reagan. >> extremely close, actually. they were really ideological soul mates.
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she, of course, was an early admirer actually of ronald reagan and when she became leader of the conservative party, she had an opportunity to meet with ronald reagan he became president. in many ways, the foundations of the reagan revolution were actually laid by the thatcher revolution in britain. they were actually very, very similar where they focused on free market principles, cutting government spending. but also standing up to communism on the world stage and reagan and thatcher together really brought down the soviet empire. >> steve: they were a terrific team. joining us live on the line, nile gardener, helped margaret thatcher write her book. more coverage of the iron lady. dead at 87. we'll be right back [ male announcer ] when you're at the corner of "multivitamin"
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>> all attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail. >> steve: more on our top story right now. former prime minister to great britain, margaret thatcher, is dead at the age of 87. >> brian: with more on her legacy, specifically economic impact on the u.k. and the world, stuart varney. your thoughts. you interviewed her were when at another network. >> in the 1970s, britain was a demoralized socialist economy. the government ran autos, airlines, steel, coal, power supply, electricity, water. heavy industry, the government was completely involved and basically it was a socialist economy. margaret thatcher reversed that.
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she sold off these state-owned companies. she introduced the idea of competition and personal responsibility back into british life. so she not only saved britain from a socialist economy, she reinvigorated the moral sense of what britain is all about. >> brian: i understand in the beginning, things didn't go well. unemployment shot up and people started to panic and she held course. >> yes, because she cut -- it's not that she cut spending. that's not the point. she held on to a very strong series of conservative ideas, which is cut taxes, reduce spending, and cut back the role of government. the initial response to that, because she was inheriting a socialist economy was even more unemployment. she was extremely unpopular for some time in the early days of her prime ministership. but that reversed as her private enterprise initiatives kicked in and the economy started to expand and britain was literally
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revitalized. >> steve: she took power in 1979. the united states, the world economy was in the dumper for the most part. but what's interesting when you came in to the studio, you said that had margaret thatcher, had she taken office ten years earlier what, would have happened? >> i might not have left britain. i left britain permanently late 1972, very early 1973. britain at that time was in the absolute doll drums. i didn't see any prospects for myself to get up in the world, you know, fight my way up the food chain. i didn't see a real opportunity in britain at that time. i came to america in the mid 1970s, and although the economy was not doing great, it wasn't that good here, but i could see opportunity. i could see scope. in many ways, it was because america is not a class-based society. and britain was. margaret thatcher reversed that class-based society. she made it a much more open and
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competitive society. you got ahead by your brains, talent, drive and ability, just like you do in america. she made britain a lot like america was and used to be. >> gretchen: you also said you had interviewed her and what was so refreshing about interviewing her, as a politician, was that she really wasn't like a politician. >> no, she was not. if you look at a modern politician l it's a brit or american, you ask a question as an interviewer, what you get is an answer to a question which they wanted you to ask in the first place. talking points. margaret thatcher was completely different. ask you her a question, she answered it dead on, straight up. >> steve: sorry to interrupt you. we're look at these images of the former prime minister and the president of the united states there in the white house back in the '80s. they were such a team. they made conservatism cool back then. >> i'm nostalgic. those two ran the world and
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changed it. extraordinary. >> brian: she early on saw a problem with the e.u., right? she didn't think it would work and she wanted to keep britain out and it turned out she was right. >> yep. she wouldn't have any part of the great britain being part of the euro zone. we were already part of the european union. she didn't like it. she didn't like the loss of sovereignty. she didn't want britain to be ruled by laws and regulations which were based on the continent of europe and not from the british people. >> gretchen: now we're seeing all the fallout with all the countries that did that. >> she was right. >> brian: it's a big story when he comes out without his manila folder. he knows he lived it and that's why we're getting instant analysis. >> can i give here the quote which will live forever from margaret thatcher? the trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money. oh, how true that is. today and yesterday, it's true. >> steve: other people's money. all right. stuart varney, thank you very
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much for joining us on this day. margaret thatcher dead at 87. right back many cereals say they're good for your heart, but did you know ere's a cereal that's recommendedy doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart dease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat. aaah! aaaaah! theres a guy on the window! do something, dad! aaaah! aaaah! what is happening? they're rate suckers.
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prime minister margaret thatcher has died following a stroke. joining us live from london with the breaking details, greg palkot. good morning again. >> we got the word in the last 40 minutes at the age of 87, margaret thatcher dying of a stroke. she had been ill for the past several years after suffering minor strokes. she's been out of the spotlight but not out of the minds of people in the u.k. and around the world. her time in office, from 1979 until 1990 as prime minister. we're absolutely iconic, absolutely milestone for this country and the world. she was the first woman u.k. prime minister. she was the longest serving u.k. prime minister of this century. at least one top analyst here just calling her the most significant political figure in post-war u.k. history. she was transformative when it came to economics. she took a country that was
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absolutely flat on its back, that was in hock to the unions, that was in hock and debt and stood up to the unions and stood up for privatization and brought this country back in the view of many people, and she was tough on foreign policy as well. very strong anti-communist and she rode the wave of emotion following the wall of the berlin wall and later on. for americans, significant, soul mates were what former president ronald reagan called her and margaret thatcher. they were both of like minds, both on economic and foreign policy matter and then following that, president bush as well. we are getting some reactions now. again, this is just breaking news in the last 40 minutes. we are getting a message from david cameron, prime minister here, i'll read that to you. he expresses his sadness.
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he says that we have lost a great leader. we have lost a great prime minister. we have lost a great britain, great british person. we've heard from the queen, from buckingham palace. she is expressing her sadness. we're expecting a fuller comment coming from her in the time to come. and a very interesting comment coming from the rambunctious mayor of london, boris johnson. he says, when all the other politicians are long forgotten, when all the gray suits of politics are gone, we will remember this woman. obviously boris johnson, david cam ron, both conservatives, central right here, and margaret thatcher, a leading conservative, what they call tory here. her moniker was iron lady and in her own words, she was a lady, not returning. >> brian: thank you very much. greg palkot will continue to
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update us as there is press conference after press conference. we'll break in when he does. our coverage continues as we remember former british prime minister margaret thatcher. here now is peter johnson, jr. we were shocked when many -- many people were, maybe not you, when the people had all this emotion when ronald reagan passed away, even though it was expected. the funeral was packed. the perspective was unbelievable i. think it's going to be the same with her. >> i agree. this truly is the end of the reagan-thatcher era. margaret thatcher was voted one of the most influential and important people of the 20th century by time magazine. she was the first woman prime minister of great britain. she was the longest-serving prime minister since the 19th century. she brought a moral absolutism and a sense of nationalism and a sense of the independence of business and persons as opposed to government forces that was
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unique and that was transformative in england and in america during ronald reagan's period. she suffered an ira assassination attempt that she lived through. on that same day, she went on to give the very speech that she was supposed to give. so in the mold of winston churchill and other great british leaders, she was a person who transcended her background in this way, she was a daughter of a grocer. she became a chemist. she became a lawyer. she ran for the parliament. she became a member of the back bench after she retired at age 66. >> brian: it seems as though she exceeded her own expectations when she was quoted as saying, there will not be a female british prime minister in her lifetime. there would be and it's her. >> she said that five or six years before she became the prime minister. the iron lady, you know who put that on her? the soviets because she said,
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the soviets, they're all about putting guns before butter. we're about putting butter before guns. and they branded her as the iron lady. >> brian: as you see now, they're lowering the flag in britain as we speak after the passing of margaret thatcher at the age of 87 years old. i think for a few years people had started to forget about her impact. then the movie comes out on life. everyone starts talking about it. some people didn't like the direction it went. number two, everyone is talking about the portrayal. >> she suffered strokes. she suffered from dementia. and even though she was suffering from these neurological malady, she had prepared a speech to give at ronald reagan's funeral that she was prepared to give. she was an example of strength. she was an example of indefatigueability. she was a example of women in public servant. she was also an example of this great anglo american partnership that fortified the 20th
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century and hopefully will fortify the 21st century. a remarkable tenure. >> brian: it's almost like we're in the inverse of where we are now. where she went out and cut taxes on the people who paid taxes who are the people that are most successful. other people like to term rich. she couldn't care less if she was viewed as somebody representing the rich. she knew they had the money. >> she reduced taxes and it was based on a lot of her earlier reading the in the 40s where she thought government could become a despotic, oppressive force on people in great britain and she said, unleash the creativity, unleash the independent nerver, unleash our ability to be great thinkers and doers and don't have the government step on our heads. she was strong. she was strong and americans are grieving today, too, especially when younger americans and younger women americans understand what she did in the time that she did it.
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we still do not have a woman president in these united states of america. england did it first. it was an example for the world and she was an incredibly strong, resilient figure who brought great pretty to her country and to our alliance here, which is so important going forward. >> brian: this is just the beginning. we'll hear the tributes as we continue to put her death in perspective as she passed away. thanks so much. >> appreciate it. >> brian: back to you on the couch. >> gretchen: all right. thanks very much. more on margaret thatcher in just a moment, including how the media treated her. first, a quick look at the other big stories making news. an autopsy scheduled tomorrow for pastor rick warren's son. matthew warren struggled for years with hem illness. he committed outside over the weekend. pastor rick warren thanking his followers for their support. sunday he said he and his wife are overwhelmed by love and kind words. >> steve: the son-in-law of osama bin laden back in a new
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york city court later today, the mouthpiece of al-qaeda will be blocks away from ground zero. he pleaded not guilty to conspiring to kill americans. his case is significant because the obama administration has decided to try him in a federal court instead of a military tribunal, like at gitmo. prosecutors say he appeared alongside bin laden the day after september 11, warning about additional terrorist attacks in the united states of america. >> gretchen: energy drinks and something else contain a compound that mixes with a chemical in our bodies and thickens the walls of our arteries that can put you at higher risk for heart attack, stroke and even death. >> steve: doctors in the united states being warned about a new strain of the deadly bird flu virus. so far six have died in eastern china and cases are being reported daily now. three new cases just reported
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yesterday. the centers for disease control in atlanta, georgia says it's starting work on a vaccine, which is good news. >> brian: meanwhile, our coverage is going to last 19 minutes, but all day on fox news, margaret thatcher passed away at the age of 87. we'll look how the media treated her. our next guest says they treated her like any other conservative, which transforms to bad. her community. no wonder it's hard to focus on her own needs. but she's got one a day women's, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill. because our focus is you. you carfirmation.
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commons back in 1990. the year she left being prime minister. some say it was the greatest speech she ever gave in parliament. joining us right now is professor of american politics at ucla in los angeles, dr. tim. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: you loved her and you loved that speech. >> i did. i really admired that speech. that speech was a part of question time when she was -- it was her last speech that she gave before parliament. one thing that i'm not sure the clip showed was her back and forth between different liberal members of parliament. there were some who were saying yes, but what about the gap? there is a bigger gap between the rich and poor and she would say no, along all parts of the income spectrum, the people have gotten richer. the rich have gotten richer, the poor and middle class have. then the liberals would say, what about the gap? finally she got so frustrated, she said, here is the way it was, here is the way it is now. everyone has gotten richer, even
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though the gap may have gotten bigger. they would prefer as long as the -- they would prefer the poor be poorer as long as the rich were less rich. i think it's one of the greatest speeches of all time. >> steve: the give and take is incredible. and if people haven't seen it, they are should look it up on youtube. >> i encourage people to look that up. >> steve: i wish we had question time in this country, but that's a whole nother issue. you would say that at the time when she was in power, give us a perspective on how the largely left liberal media around the world treated her. >> well, yeah. to look back now, people kind of get nostalgic and she had lots of successes while prime minister. so the treatment of her is more fair and actually more complimentary. but to those of us who lived during that time remember that the media treated her, just as they did any conservative politician. the journalists back then were just as liberal as they are
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today. they hated her. they hated her and reagan, anyone who would be a staunch conservative and not afraid of calling their views. >> steve: sure. absolutely. that's so well put. so we were talking earlier with stuart varney about how she was able to help turn around the economy there. we talked to you and others about how she teamed up with reagan to end the cold war. you know what? when the united kingdom went to war with argentina in 1982 and she stood with such resolve, she won over the planet. >> that's right. yes. i think a lot of people say it's a woman doing that. some say we didn't expect a woman to have such resolve. but she did. one of the big successes of her career. >> steve: what's her legacy going to be? i know today is the day we get the bad news she died at the age of 87. yet you thought about this for a while. >> i think part of it will be the faulklands. but i think more will be just her economic successes. britain was in really bad shape
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economically and she brought them back. she fought the unions. the unions were very, very strong back then. she went up against them. they hated her. that would be -- i hope the other thing is just what a defender of the free market conservatism, also world law. people often miss that. she was a big defender of that and i hope that part of her legacy, if people would just see that last speech in parliament, i think that is very remarkable, outspanning and exceptional and i hope people watch that. >> steve: just like a professor at ucla, he's giving us all an assignment for today. dr. tim growsclose, professor of politics out there, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. switching gears, it's been nearly seven months since her son, sean smith, was left to die in a deadly attack in benghazi. all the mom wants to know are some answers. so why is she being told to keep quiet? she will join us live next.
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joining us live now, martha mccallum with a preview of what happens in ten minutes. >> good morning, everybody. and breaking news, just a little while ago this morning, the passing of margaret thatcher. we will speak with art laffer, his memories of ronald reagan's work with the lady known as the iron lady, brit hume and others coming up with their memories of margaret thatcher and alt breaking news of the day. we'll see you at the top of the hour
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>> brian: recapping our developing story, former prime minister margaret thatcher passed away at the age of 87. we'll cover more of that to finish up our show and we have coverage all day long. there is another story we don't want to forget. the other big story that we've been covering really since we got on the air, 700 special ops
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veterans sending a letter today to congress demanding answers on why men were left behind in benghazi and lost their lit role right rocks. for instance, once the ambassador pressed the button, within an hour everyone was alerted. i count 12 to 16 command centers within the intelligence community and the department of defense where people were leaning forward in the saddle, getting ready to go. why were they left behind? was it a political reason? why? >> gretchen: the mother of one of the victims has the very same questions. but she now has been told to keep quiet. pat smith, the mother of sean smith, joins us now. good morning to you. >> hello. >> gretchen: so the story is not going away. we just saw the colonel, he's part of this 700 special ops letter writing campaign to members of congress to once again reopen hearings. you obviously still have many unanswered questions with the
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death of your own son. >> what good are hearings when they don't answer the questions? >> gretchen: so obviously you feel the last set of hearings where we saw former secretary of state hillary clinton, among many others, that they never really did answer the questions, in your mind. what is left unanswered for you? >> why is my son dead? when they were supposedly watching all this in real time, my son is dead. then hours later the sales got it. i don't understand why the government is doing that to its people. >> brian: so sean loses his life. we still have a ton of questions. and everyone who brings up these questions are told, you're playing politics. what's your answer to people who want this whole issue to go away >> you're playing politics! that's all it can be. >> gretchen: you think that the other side is also playing politics. in the beginning, we introduced you and we said that people have told you to stop telling your
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story. who is telling you to not talk anymore? >> it is not the government. i get this from my family that still is there in the netherlands. they told me that i'm embarrassing everybody. maybe so. but they're going to have to just stand on their own two feet because they're going to be embarrassed. i will not go away. my son is dead and those two seals are dead and they did not have to be. >> brian: i question anyone who would say you're embarrassing yourself for fighting for answers and why your son was left die. >> i question that, too, but i was told that i don't know everything. just keep it quiet. >> brian: pat, we want to get you back because we have the 700 seals. we'll continue to talk to them. finally the military is asking the same question that you've been asking and we've been asking. we'll have you back, pat. again, sorry about sean. we'll talk to you soon.
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